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Tincture Bottles



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30ml Tincture Bottles (Boston Glass Dropper Bottles)


You can create your own tincture by dissolving an extract in alcohol (Ethanol). You will need the following items:

Tincture Bottles (glass)
Mason Jar
Ethanol (Glycerine can be used for those with alcohol sensitivities)
Active ingredient (Herbal Extract)

Steps in process:

Make sure your herbs are finely chopped or grinded. Mix your herbs in a Mason jar with high proof alcohol. How much alcohol goes in the jar depends on what is being put in the jar. For example:

Fresh leaves and flowers: Fill jar ⅔ to ¾ with herb and pour alcohol to top of jar. 

Dried Leaves and Flowers: Fill jar ½ to ¾ with herb and pour alcohol to top of jar

Fresh roots, barks and berries: Fill jar ⅓ to ½ with herbs and pour alcohol to top of jar

Dried roots, barks and berries: Fill jar ¼ to ⅓ and pour alcohol to the top of jar

Note: Jar should appear full of herb, but herb should move freely when shaken

What type of alcohol to use: Generally a clear low flavour alcohol like Vodka can be used. The percentage of alcohol to use will depend on the herb being extracted and its content of alcohol and water soluble components. 

40% – 50% alcohol is good for most dried herbs and fresh herbs that are not too juicy. This level is good for extraction of water soluble properties. 67.5% – 70% alcohol will extract volatile aromatic properties. This good for fresh, high moisture herbs, berries and aromatic roots. It will draw out more of the plant juices. Lastly 85% – 95% alcohol is good for dissolving gums and resins but not all plant material. It will get the aromatics and essential oils out. It will dehydrate the herbs if used for botanicals other than gums and resins.

Close the jar and let it sit for a few weeks, shaking it once a day. Try to leave as little air space between the liquid and lid as possible. Store your tincture in a cool, dark and dry place. When shaking daily it is also good to check the alcohol levels as if the alcohol has evaporated a bit you will need to top up the jar with more alcohol to ensure herbs are completely submerged. Exposure to air can introduce mold and bacteria. To speed up this step you can simmer the jar in a water bath for 20min at 76 degrees celsius. Some components will extract better under heat but this will depend on the herb. 

Filter with a coffee filter or cheesecloth over a funnel and pour or let it drip into your tincture bottles. Squeeze every last drop out!

Assess the potency of you mixture by starting with a 1ml drop.